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Meaning of Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural engineering can be defined as the branch of engineering that deals with the design of farm machinery, the location and planning of farm structures, farm drainage, soil management and erosion control, water supply and irrigation, rural electrification, and the processing of farm products. It is also an engineering discipline that studies agricultural production and processing.

An Overview of Agricultural Engineering Studies

Apply knowledge of engineering technology and biological science to agricultural problems concerned with power and machinery, electrification, structure, soil and water conservation, and processing of agricultural products. Agricultural engineers work in a variety of industries.

What Agricultural Engineers Do

Agricultural engineers attempt to solve agricultural problems concerning power supplies, the efficiency of machinery, the use of structures and facilities, pollution and environmental issues, and storage and processing of agricultural products.

Duties of Agricultural Engineers

Use complete software to design equipment systems, or structures

      Modify environmental factors that affects animal or crop production, such as airflow in a barn or runoff pattern on a field.

      Test equipment to ensure its safety and reliability.

      Oversee construction and production operations.

      Plan and work together with clients, contractors, consultants, and other engineers to ensure effective and desirable outcomes.


Agricultural engineers work in farming, including aquaculture (farming of seafood), forestry and food processing. They work on a wide variety of projects for example, some agricultural engineers work to develop climate control systems that increases the comfort and productivity of livestock, whereas other work to increase the storage capacity and efficiency refrigeration. Many agricultural engineers attempt it develop better solutions for arrival waste disposal. Those with computer programing skills work to integrate artificial intelligence and geospatial systems into agriculture for example, they work to improve efficiency in fertilizer application or to automate harvesting systems.


Important Qualities for Agricultural Engineers

      Analytical skills. Agricultural engineers must analyze the needs of complex systems that involve workers, crops, animals, machinery and equipment and the environment.

      Communication skills. Agricultural engineers must understand the needs of clients, workers, and others working on a project. More so, they must communicate their thoughts about systems and solutions to any problems they have been working on.

      Math skills. Agricultural engineers use calculators, trigonometry and other advanced mathematical disciplines for analysis, design and troubleshooting.

      Problem-solving skills. Agricultural engineers’ main role is to solve problems found in agricultural production. Goals may include designing safer equipment for food processing or reducing erosion. To solve these problems agricultural engineers must creatively apply the principles of engineering.


Job Outlook for Agricultural Engineers

Employment of agricultural engineers is projected to more over the   next ten years, about as fast as average for all to reduce environmental damage should maintain demand for these workers. Agricultural engineers have been expanding the range of project areas that will drive demand for this occupation are alternative energies and biofuel, precision and automated farming technologies for irrigation, spraying, and harvesting and even more cutting edge, how to grow food in space to support future exploration.


Careers Related to Agricultural Engineers


      Agricultural and food science technicians

      Agricultural and food scientists

      Architectural and engineering managers

      Civil engineering

      Environmental engineers

      Farmers, researchers and other agricultural managers


      Industrial engineers

      Mechanical engineers


Prospects in Agricultural Engineering

      Career opportunities and job prospects for agricultural engineering graduates in FECOLART are

      Agricultural engineer

      Agricultural crop engineer

      Agricultural inspector

      Agricultural specialist

      Farm shop manager


      Environmental controls engineer

      Food supervisor

      Plant physiologist



      Soil scientist

      Survey research agriculture engineers



With the help of head of department of agricultural engineering in federal college of land resources technology, the lecturers and project supervisors we ensure that students are being taught well theoretically and more especially in practical. With the current record of students who graduated from this department for more than eight years about 45% of them are practicing their profession both in government and companies, even self-employed.

Our doors are open for students who want to gain the advantage of being an agricultural engineer (in Farm Power and Machinery, Soil and Water Engineering) which serve as the bread of the nation.